You will learn how to:

  • Adjust your appeal-writing strategy to increase giving during times of wide-spread crisis

  • Evaluate messages on a spectrum of tone-deaf to fully relevant

  • Distill the elemental passions core to your organization’s work

  • Diversify your formulas for conveying impact

Your instructor

  • Hillary Frances

    Hillary Frances

    Program Director, Seed Fundraisers

    Hillary Frances, M.A., joined Seed in 2017 after building eight years of experience designing programmatic solutions for organizations serving marginalized populations. She has worked for state government through the Colorado Refugee Services Program, and higher education as the Dean of Adult Education and the Language Learning Center at Emily Griffith Technical College where she was responsible for employment-focused education programs for over 2000 refugee and immigrant students per year. She is also the co-founder of Prodigy Ventures, a non-profit social enterprise apprenticeship for young adults in Northeast Denver. At Seed, Hillary designs and facilitates our partners' learning experiences.